How are Les Bleues preparing for the World Cup?

Les Bleues are preparing for the World Cup this summer. To answer questions from franceinfo junior children: Nadia Benmokhtar, football consultant for franceinfo.



Reading time : 1 min.

Gathering of the French women's team at the National Football Center in Clairefontaine (Yvelines), June 21, 2023. (LE PARISIEN / ARNAUD JOURNOIS / MAXPPP)

The Women’s World Cup is approaching for Les Bleues. Their first match is scheduled for July 20, with a final taking place on August 20. Les Bleues will start the competition with a first match on July 23 against Jamaica, to follow on franceinfo.

How are Les Bleues preparing for the competition? We talk about it in franceinfo junior with students from the Louise Michel school in Vigneux-sur-Seine in the Paris region. To answer their questions: Nadia Benmokhtar, football consultant for franceinfo.

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“Are the exercises the same as the boys’ exercises?”, Kenny asks to start the show. “What time do they get up to train?, continues Lucas. At the microphone, Iris also wants to know “How many times a day” the players train. “What do they eat before games? Cereals?” Nabil asks.

Speaking of preparation, the schoolboy also wants to know if the players are doing “mental exercises to avoid stress” before matches, for example. For his part, Adam wants to know if girls and boys wear the same tricolor jersey. “Do you think it’s going to be tough? That the competition is going to be tight?”, finally asks Lucas to end the show.

On this page, re-listen in full to this franceinfo junior program on the preparation of Les Bleues for the Women’s World Cup.

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