how are companies adapting to the demand for sobriety?


Article written by

C. Neidhardt, C. Carrière, S. Le Beon – France 3

France Televisions

Monday August 29, Elisabeth Borne asked companies to limit their energy consumption. In Haute-Garonne, a printing works has already been saving for two years.

In Toulouse (Haute-Garonne), a printing plant with 180 employees decided to produce in a greener way two years ago. In the offices, energy consumption has fallen by 10%. “We looked for suppliers who could offer us greener and more local energy”, explains Charlène Davignon, production manager. The offices are lit with LEDs and the computers run on less energy-consuming servers.

In order to further save energy, other projects are underway. “First, we will insulate the building, then we will continue to install UV filters on the windows to reflect the light”, says Thomas Watier, head of digital printing. The walls of the building will also be vegetated. These actions make it possible to no longer use air conditioning inside. However, the company’s machines are energy-intensive and employees cannot reduce their consumption.

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