How are animals trained for film shoots?

For around twenty years, a “Palme dog” has been awarded to the best dogs in a film, during the Cannes Film Festival. He has already won it once: Messi, the dog from the film Anatomy of a Fall.


Reading time: 5 min

franceinfojunior takes an interest in the profession of animal coach with Messi’s mistress and trainer, Laura Martin Contini, animal coach in cinema and entertainment. She is interviewed by CE2-CM1 students from the Louis-Guilloux school in Planguenoual-Lamballe-Armor in Brittany.

“Messi, is that your dog?” Ethan asks first into the microphone. “Did you already know how to train dogs when you already had Messi?” asks a schoolboy.

“How long did it take you to train Messi”, Chloe asks.

Maria wonders how the coach goes about doing this “play” the dog in front of the cameras: is “do you lure him with treats?”

Louis wonders if the dog “can be stressful” before filming.

On this page, listen again to this franceinfo junior program in full.

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