how and how much do the French spend each year?



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France has almost as many animals as inhabitants: more than 60 million. The market becomes a sector of conquest for many companies.

One in two households has a pet. In the lead, 15 million cats, and almost eight million dogs. The French have never spent so much on them: between 50 and 80 euros per month on average, for the food of these two animals. The animal feed market weighs more than 3 billion euros in the country. 60% of the kibble and sachets are purchased in supermarkets, but also on the internet for one in five owners.

The diet of pets is often modeled on that of the masters, with healthier products, but also more snacking: + 20% in one year for sweets and cookies. A third of dogs are overweight. Health is the second most expensive item for the French. Consultations with the veterinarian cost on average 560 euros per year, with a return on investment. Indeed, the presence of animals would reduce stress, and strengthen the immunity of children.

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