how an elected environmentalist was expelled from a Marine Le Pen press conference

Who expelled an elected environmentalist from Marine Le Pen’s press conference on Wednesday, April 13, in the afternoon, in Paris? This EELV municipal councilor from Boulogne-Billancourt (Hauts-de-Seine) interrupted the intervention of the candidate of the National Rally devoted to foreign policy by brandishing a sign in the shape of a heart on which we could see a photo of Marine Le Pen alongside Vladimir Putin. The scene, which was filmed, ends with the image of the environmentalist being dragged on the ground out of the room.

According to Marine le Pen, those responsible for the exfiltration of this elected environmentalist are “Mr. Darmanin’s police officers [Gérald Darmanin, le ministre de l’Intérieur]”.You have to go to Monsieur Darmanin because I have nothing to do with it, continued the candidate of the National Rally on BFMTV, Wednesday evening. These are the personality protection services. You can imagine that it is not me who gives them instructions or instructions on their methods of intervention. But now, I have absolutely nothing to do with it.” The Minister of the Interior responded to him on Twitter: “Have the honesty to say that the individual is a member of your private order.”

In reality, we first see a man put the environmental activist on the ground and it is indeed a police officer belonging to the Protection Service (SDLP) of the national police, responsible in particular for ensuring the safety of political figures. . On the other hand, the man with a white beard who then exfiltrates the activist by dragging her on the ground is part of the security service of the National Rally. He has held this position for several years, as confirmed by old videos or photos of RN events where he appears.

A Femen activist evacuated from a press conference by Marine Le Pen on February 23, 2017. The man on the right of the image is the same one who participated in the evacuation of an elected environmentalist from a press conference by Marine Le Pen, April 13, 2022. (BERTRAND GUAY / AFP)

Excerpt from a report by "It's up to you" showing the intervention of Marine Le Pen's order service at the Agricultural Show, March 2, 2017. The man in the center of the image is the same as the one who participated in the evacuation of an elected environmentalist at a press conference by Marine Le Pen, April 13, 2022. (SCREEN CAPTURE)

On Wednesday evening, the acting president of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, agreed to this himself on the set of France 2 in a debate which opposed him … to Gérald Darmanin.

The SDLP has decided to put an end to the mission of the police officer with Marine Le Pen. He was changed assignment due to the “break in trust” generated by the words of MLP, “in respect of him and wrongly”, specifies the Ministry of the Interior to franceinfo. “When there is a public questioning, one cannot imagine not acting”. He will therefore be responsible for the protection of another personality.

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