How about Brussels sprouts? The ideas and tips of Florane, head of the BDE in Nancy

Florane, chef of the Bistrot Des Ecoles, gave us lots of recipes, pan-fried, for example, in petals, or with a bacon cream.

Jean Claude gave us his little recipe for Brussels sprouts with bacon bits, and Maurice told us that the family asks him to prepare Brussels sprouts… Yes, there is!

Our chef

Florane, chef of the Bistrot Des Ecoles, rue Blandan in Nancy.

Our culinary expert

Today, Karine, our druggist on rue de la Craffe, is going to talk to us about chestnuts. How to make them yourself hot chestnuts.

One day a trade

Mr. Edouard, our butcher at the central market in Nancy, told us about tripe products.

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