Houston, city of danger, dreams and music in a punchy documentary

Frenchman Nicolas Peduzzi is making his second documentary on the United States, after Southern Belle (2018) about the daughter of the largest Texas oil operator. Ghost Song, which hits theaters on Wednesday April 27, returns to Houston, still in Texas, former NASA headquarters during the Space Conquest. The city has lost its luster: drugs, gangs and violence run the streets. An escape: rap.

In Houston, Texas, three young street adults or disowned sons live by their wits. Alexandra, dixit OMB Bloodbath, rapper former gang leader, Will and Nate, out of ban, watch their city go down the drain, while a hurricane approaches and could well sweep all that away.

From the foreground, in a car on a boulevard, a lascivious rap plays on the radio. “That’s the real sound of Houston“, says Nate. Cop cars are at the crossroads: credits. Cut. The road passes by, at night, the start of a stroll through Huston to encounter a transgressive ecosystem, in which three young inhabitants are struggling s who seek their way, their voice.

The social melts into the feelings, both in love but also about a city. urban movie, Ghost Song could have been called ghosttown. It is because he sees the ghost town that Houston has become through its sound, its music, that the film bears this beautiful title. Song town, ghost town, sound town, word and music. All the rap.

In highlight of Ghost Song, OMB Bloodbath, born Alexandra Nicks. Coming from the gangs, converted to rap, she chants the inventory, a smile on her face, waiting for the hurricane that will clean up Houston. Alexandra, Will and Nate know where they are, and the city too. The wind is on their side, with redemption, a major subject of American cinema. Amazing to see how many French documentarians capture America in three remarkable recent films: Jean-Baptiste Thoret (We Blew It, Michael Cimino: an American mirage), Francois Busnel (Only the Earth is eternal) and Nicolas Peduzzi with Ghost Song. All approach with tact, art and talent, very differently, a multifaceted subject that fascinates France.

Gender : Documentary
Director : Nicolas Peduzzi
Country : France
Duration : 1h22
Exit : April 27, 2022
Distributer : The Alchemists

Synopsis : Houston, Texas. Alexandra, Will and Nate struggle to survive in a city that devours people – like dreams. Ex-gang boss or disowned rich kids, each faces his demons as a hurricane approaches. “Ghost Song” is the promise of a new impetus of life, between music, hallucinations and hopes of redemption.

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