Housing: the Postal Bank sets up a loan for the insulation of houses




Article written by

J.Cholin, K.Toufik, M.Barrois, P.Miette – France 2

France Televisions

La Banque Postale set up, Thursday, February 3, a new loan guaranteed by the State which gives the possibility to French people who have low incomes to borrow at a rate of 2% without having to repay immediately.

Insulation has become one of the primary criteria in the construction of a house and in the purchase. However, this advantage is not given to everyone, as it can be very expensive. So that everyone can benefit from it, the Postal Bank has set up a loan guaranteed by the State, to allow French people with modest incomes to be able to borrow in order to start the work.

Energy renovation remains a financial headache for many. Especially when the bill remains high even with the subsidies. Numerous studios cannot find takers because they would be too expensive to renovate. There, we need energy renovation with the replacement of windows, the replacement of the radiator, and the insulation of the exterior walls”Explain Estiven Bodin, real estate agent. According to him, this loan will allow “to take the plunge and do the work to be able to buy and do the renovation”.

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