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In Ukraine, at Butchain the suburbs of kyiv, life is gradually resuming… This martyred city, the scene of massacres attributed to the Russian army, is trying to rebuild itself to live a semblance of normality.
In the suburbs of kyiv, Ukraine, the buildings still bear the scars of the clashes. The Russian army left Irpin two months ago. In this old front line, there are many ruins. Nadia, 80 years old, come see what’s left of his house. Only the garage is still there. Volunteers repair the car roof this is where Nadia will live from now on. Bogdan worked at a music label before the war and is now part of a civilian volunteer group that secures and rebuilds homes.
“You have to be useful for your country and for your people. You can’t just sit and watch,” says Bogdan. Downstairs, Nadia is preparing lunch. She mourns the death of her son, a 53-year-old civilian. Like Nadia’s house, half the town ofIrpin has been destroyed. A few hundred away Butchathe municipality is developing mobile homes to house 80,000 families.