Household, gardening, DIY… The instant tax credit extended to 1.8 million people

No need to pay a deposit at the beginning of the year or wait for the payment of the balance in the summer. The 50% reduction in fees is paid without delay from this Tuesday to households that use a personal service company.

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If you are a customer of a personal service company (excluding childcare), you will no longer have to wait to be reimbursed for your expenses. From Tuesday June 14, the instant tax credit – already in place for individual employers in January – is extended to 1.8 million people. Household, gardening, DIY… This concerns 8,000 companies, associations or home service platforms. This immediate advance was originally due to come into effect on April 14 but was postponed for two months due to technical and IT difficulties.

From now on, the service providers or agents you use will register you on the Urssaf website so that you can benefit from this advantage. In short: no need for a deposit at the beginning of the year and no need to wait for the payment of the balance in the summer. You receive everything instantly, half the amount you pay to the organization. This is the second stage of the rocket, since the 8.7 million individuals who employ gardeners or housekeepers directly can take advantage of this system since January. Except that the device was a bit tedious, it was necessary to subscribe to the Cesu + option and accept that the State takes the employee’s salary.

The immediate tax credit will be extended next year to particular beneficiaries of the personalized autonomy allowance. Finally, in 2024, the system will concern individuals who use Pajemploi for childcare and who are taxable. With this reform, the government hopes that the simplification of procedures will reduce the use of undeclared work. The objective is also to create employment and promote purchasing power.

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