House Inquiry Committee votes unanimously to subpoena Donald Trump

In the United States, the parliamentary commission of inquiry into the assault on the Capitol on January 6, 2021 voted unanimously on Thursday, October 13, to summon former President Donald Trump to appear before its members. The former Republican leader “is the person at the center of the story of what happened on January 6. So we want to hear it”said the chairman of this commission of inquiry, Bennie Thompson, during a public hearing.

It is also, for the commission, “do everything she can to tell the fullest story possible and provide recommendations to help ensure nothing like January 6 happens again in the future”he continued.

The mission of this parliamentary inquiry, made up of seven Democrats and two Republicans, is to shed light on the behavior of the President before, during and after the attack on Capitol Hill, which had sent shock waves around the world. entire. On January 6, 2021, supporters of Donald Trump invaded the seat of the American Congress, after being encouraged by the former President of the United States. They stormed the Capitol pto try to prevent elected officials from certifying Joe Biden’s presidential victory.

On Thursday, the commission unrolled the thread of events as drawn by its investigations. It showed that the ex-president had planned “well in advance” to declare victory in the 2020 election, even before the results are known. “His intention was clear, ignore the rule of law and stay in power”hammered Republican Adam Kinzinger.

Documents confirm elements presented at previous hearings, according to which Donald Trump inflamed the crowd of his supporters on January 6, 2021, although he was informed of the potential for violence, underlined the elected official Adam Schiff.

Since its creation, the parliamentary commission of inquiry has questioned more than a thousand witnesses, including two children of Donald Trump, and peeled tens of thousands of documents.

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