Hotels and gastronomy | Dinner under the stars at the Auberge Saint-Antoine

A dinner in a hotel room is fine. A gastronomic experience in a pretty outdoor heated greenhouse surrounded by snow, with a view of the Old Capital and the stars overlooking it, is even better. Summary of an unforgettable experience at the Auberge Saint-Antoine.

Posted at 11:30 a.m.

Iris Gagnon Paradise

Iris Gagnon Paradise
The Press

With the closure of the dining rooms, several hotels have brought back a proven formula last year, namely the gastronomic offer in the room, a way of “travelling” in times of pandemic and of feeling a little bit like in the restaurant. Even if the restaurants will be able to welcome customers again from January 31, several hotel establishments intend to extend this experience which in some cases has aroused real enthusiasm among their customers. Among the offers: tablecloths installed in the rooms, sushi platters to share or even breakfast in bed.

But some are more innovative than others. Taking advantage of the fact that a large number of its 95 rooms and suites have private terraces, the renowned Auberge Saint-Antoine, in Quebec City, created its Experience Under the Stars last year. We offer a four-course gourmet meal from the restaurant Chez Muffy, served in a heated outdoor greenhouse where you can sit down, depending on the greenhouse model, for two or four people.

The offer was so popular that the Relais & Château establishment extended the experience until the end of March last year. And it was clear that, regardless of the health situation, the offer would be back this season, says Marie Lou Bédard-Delisle, community manager for the Auberge Saint-Antoine, which hosted The Press on site last week.

A cocoon

  • The heated greenhouse is intimate and remains comfortable despite the chilly weather.


    The heated greenhouse is intimate and remains comfortable despite the chilly weather.

  • One of the greenhouses offering a view of the St. Lawrence River


    One of the greenhouses offering a view of the St. Lawrence River

  • Those who prefer it can also enjoy their meal inside.


    Those who prefer it can also enjoy their meal inside.


“This year, we have 13 greenhouses in all and the experience will be offered until the end of March. With this offer, we were really able to connect even more with our Quebec clientele. It’s an experience that appeals a lot to people who have something to celebrate, who want to highlight an important moment,” she notes.

It was with Canada Greenhouse Kits that the establishment unearthed these small greenhouses, which become, for the space of an evening, a cocoon under the stars where you can enjoy a meal in complete privacy. The greenhouses are mounted by crane on the terraces of the Auberge Saint-Antoine, and thanks to a small heater, blankets and even “toe warmers” to insert in your shoes provided by the hotel, you can enjoy of the experience without freezing despite the freezing temperatures that prevailed the evening of our visit.

Dealing with constraints


Alex Bouchard, chef at Chez Muffy, created the four-course menu for the Experience Under the Stars.

To provide an experience worthy of the establishment’s reputation, a sophisticated ballet had to be put in place between the kitchen and the service, explains chef Alex Bouchard, who is in his second year at the helm of the restaurant Chez Muffy. . He has revisited the menu, opting for an evolving slate menu in tune with the seasons that showcases products from the vegetable farm that the Auberge owns on Île d’Orléans.

There are a lot of constraints in terms of service, cooking of meat, even the choice of crockery… We have to be able to dress our plates and hold them on the way to the bedroom.

Alex Bouchard, at the helm of Chez Muffy restaurant

“All this, while wanting the menu to remain representative of what we do at Muffy. There is a room, it can take up to 12 minutes to get there… Let’s say that when the plate comes out of the kitchen, you must not touch it with your hands! “, he says, laughing.

And we must say that it is quite successful. The evening begins with an aperitif: a kir made with blackcurrant syrup from Mona & Filles, Île d’Orléans. Then come the first two courses, accompanied by a glass of Italian vermentimo white: a mushroom consommé, where the steaming broth is poured over the mushrooms at the table, for an ideal temperature, and a cold starter of smoked salmon with yellow beets and marinated cauliflower.

  • Consommé with mushrooms, on which a steaming broth is poured, once at the table


    Consommé with mushrooms, on which a steaming broth is poured, once at the table

  • Cold starter of smoked salmon and yellow beets


    Cold starter of smoked salmon and yellow beets

  • The sweet finish of the meal, with sweet clover cream


    The sweet finish of the meal, with sweet clover cream


The main course is comforting with its guinea fowl press, artichokes and lentils and its supreme sauce, again poured at the last minute, accompanied by a glass of meaty red wine. The sweet finish is all in lightness and textures, with its spiced biscuit and poached quinces, on which our headwaiter pours a creamy sweet clover cream. We can stretch the time, here is the end: the time has come to leave, with regret, our cozy lair where, the time of a meal, the pandemic has ceased to exist.

The Experience under the stars is offered until March 31, starting at $650 (for two people).

Four other experiences to get away from it all

Germain Hotels


The in-room gastronomic experience at Le Germain

Last year, Germain Hotels was among the first to offer in-room gourmet dining. This year, the hotel group continues – and beyond January 31, given the popularity of the thing – with its packages, offered in Germain Montreal establishments (in collaboration with the restaurant Le Boulevardier) and Ottawa (Norca restaurant). On the menu: four-course meal, bottle of wine and breakfast in a room that promises to be ultra-comfortable.

Esterel Resort


The Estérel outdoor BBQ

Located in the Laurentians, Estérel Resort got a makeover last fall, with an investment of $7 million. Even if the three restaurants of the place will reopen, several in-room gastronomic offers remain on the menu for the next few weeks, such as the wine and cheese tasting, the sushi menu or the gourmet box at the Chais58 restaurant. Want to get some fresh air? An outdoor BBQ offering appetizing grilled meats, to accompany a mulled wine, is also available until mid-February.

Hovey Manor


In-room dining experience at Manoir Hovey

This magnificent Relais & Château establishment located in North Hatley, in the Eastern Townships, has been offering meals in the rooms since the start of the pandemic, now all equipped with tables and chairs, for a comfortable experience. The offer is very popular and will remain in effect even if the restaurant Le Hatley, led by chef Alexandre Vachon, will welcome customers back to the dining room from Monday. If you are visiting on the weekend, take the opportunity to book an introduction to ice fishing with an experienced guide, hot drinks included.

Moulin Wakefield Hotel & Spa


Wakefield Mill Starlight Cottages

Located in the heart of Gatineau Park, very close to Ottawa, Moulin Wakefield also offers the gastronomic experience of its restaurant La Muse in small heated and beautifully lit greenhouses, set up in the backyard. Weather permitting, guests can book breakfast or a three-course dinner in the Starlight Chalets, which comfortably accommodate two people.

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