Hot Valentine’s Day for the couple!

“18th Valentine’s Day for Us”wrote on instagram Elodie Gossuin. The former Miss France declared her love to Bertrand Lacherie on the occasion of Valentine’s Day, on her Instagram account this Monday, February 14.

She continued her fiery declaration of love by saying: “You deserve a hair-raising love, which pushes you to get up quickly in the morning, and which drives away all those demons which do not let you sleep”she wrote. “You deserve a love that listens to you when you sing, that supports you when you are ridiculous, that respects your freedom, that accompanies you on your flight, that is not afraid to fall”. The host concluded this poem by Frida Kahlo, Who is not afraid to fallwith these few words: “We all deserve this love and I wish it to you from the bottom of our hearts. (…) we have died well over the years (…) I love you Bertrand Lacherie”.

The couple said yes in 2006 and became the parents of four children: Rose, Jules, Joséphine and Léonard. On February 11, she confided in one of the most days of her life.

Her man wanted to surprise her by playing her saxophone I Will Always Love You by Whitney Houston. “It was our wedding song, well it had to be… He had in mind to take saxophone lessons before the wedding and he absolutely wanted – I didn’t know it, it was a surprise. The goal was to surprise me by playing I Will Always Love You sax on our wedding day.“, she told RFM. Unfortunately, everything did not go as planned: “It wasn’t super successful, but I still love him and I love you even more today my love. It was cute anyway but here it is“. It’s the intention that counts as they say!

See also: “Not the loaves”: Elodie Gossuin reveals her breasts with a very sexy and unexpected photo for the new year


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