“Hot farewell. Bye-bye”, the languorous and unexpected kiss between Antoine de Caunes and a famous journalist!

He always has to create a surprise! In Cannes, where he has been going every year for some 35 years for the famous Festival, Antoine de Caunes, present for the Canal+ channel which no longer has the privilege of covering the event as in the good old days of “Nowhere else”, could not help but put on a show. And it is from his Instagram account that he once again made the Croisette and his followers laugh. This Friday, May 26, 2023, the troublemaker has indeed published a photo where we see him tenderly kissing… Pierre Lescure! He is also present at the Festival as a columnist for It’s up to you on France 5. And these two have known each other for a very long time!

See also: Bertrand Chameroy kisses Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine on the mouth, live on “C à vous”

“So much intelligence and bursts of laughter above all…”
The legend ? “Bromance Cannes, torrid farewells. Bye-bye”. And yes, at the dawn of the closing of the event, the two accomplices must separate… Between the former sidekick of José Garcia and the ex-president of the Festival for 8 years, it’s love, to the life. Since the creation of Canal+ in 1984 more exactly, of which Pierre Lescure was at the origin with André Rousselet. It is therefore the latter who, in part, allowed Antoine de Caunes to make his debut on the private channel. An eternal idyll between the two mature men certainly (69 years old for the husband of Daphne Roulier and 77 years old for the presenter of Nice gesture) but with an eternally adolescent spirit…
The reactions of Internet users? Lots of humor, Emma de Caunes, the first, admits:And you still love each other! That’s what’s beautiful…”, but also : “I find Pierre a little on the defensive, did you argue again?” ; “Thank you for all these beautiful programs that intelligence and bursts of laughter especially. A real duo of Bonhommes.” ; “José is going to make us a (scene) you are playing with fire there!”. And even Elsa Zylberstein, the ex-companion of Antoine de Caunes posted two red hearts… filled with love.


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