Hot Docs Festival | I Placed My Mother Wins Best Canadian Documentary Award

The film I placed my mother by director Denys Desjardins won the prize for best Canadian documentary at the Hot Docs festival in Toronto.

This is a prestigious recognition in the world of documentary cinema. The awards ceremony took place on Saturday evening, during which director Denys Desjardins won the prize for best Canadian documentary, along with a cash prize of $10,000.

“The filmmaker has created a sublime work beyond all limits. In a time of closure, he made a handcrafted work of art that opens up about empathy. It is a difficult and deeply heartbreaking labor of love. “said the jury made up of filmmakers Rodolfo Castillo-Morales, Shane Belcourt and Margje de Koning.

I placed my mother follows the director’s maze in an underfunded healthcare system as he tries to move his mother to a CHSLD.

In April, the film also won the humanist prize at the Vues sur mer festival in Gaspé.

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