Hot, cold, in salads, in soups… And what’s more, onions are good for your health!

Onions are very popular in France

That said, it probably arrived from Asia via the Euphrates valley since it is cooked by the Mesopotamians. The Egyptians also appreciate it and they put it in the mouths of mummies to perfume their breath. The Romans appreciate it, just like the Gauls. The Sicilians love it so much that it shocks ninth-century Arab travelers who think they are just too crazy about their onions. In France it will long be the vegetable of the workers of the land who rub it on bread, which King Henry IV also appreciated.

1000 kinds of onions

Nowadays, China is by far the leading onion-producing country, but France continues to produce each of the 4 kinds of onions: white, red, pink and yellow. But in Europe, there are 1000 different kinds of onions. In France, for example, we know the onion of Vaugirard, the onion of Luzignan, of Mulhouse, the red of Toulouse or the very hasty of the queen and some are so famous that they benefit from an AOC Appellation d’Origine Contrôlée , this is the case of the sweet onion from the Cévennes and the Roscoff onion in Finistère.

Very low in calories and good for health.

You can put onions in many dishes, and that’s good because on the health side it is rich in antioxidants, it promotes cardiovascular health and it is packed with vitamin C all for very few calories . Cooking is done with a few ingredients, such as onions, but it is mostly done with the heart.

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