Host Vincent Cerutti indicted for sexual assault

The host Vincent Cerutti, former host of the show Dance with the stars on TF1 and current presenter of the M Radio morning show, was indicted for “sexual assault” for facts dating back to 2015, franceinfo learned on Tuesday October 24 from a judicial source, confirming information from Le Parisien.

At the origin of this case, a complaint filed in December 2019 by a switchboard operator from Chérie FM radio, for facts dating back to 2015. The complainant accuses Vincent Cerutti of having bitten her buttocks. The case was closed in June 2019 on the grounds that the offenses were insufficiently characterized. However, this same complainant had filed a civil claim with the senior investigating judge in May 2020, therefore automatically leading to the opening of a judicial investigation.

No “sexual connotation” according to the host

After more than three years of investigation, Vincent Cerutti was indicted for sexual assault on September 6. On his X account (ex-Twitter), Friday October 20, the host, through his two lawyers Me Céline Lasek and Me Alain Barkisian, defends himself: “The biting (…) complained of, eight years ago, was part of a game, certainly stupid, reciprocal, taking place in a schoolboy atmosphere of a radio morning team”. “This gesture never had the slightest sexual connotation”continues the press release, ensuring that the host “obviously regrets having indulged in these idiotic games”.

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