Host Faustine Bollaert’s feet are a huge success… strange messages and requests revealed!

For several years, viewers have followed Faustine Bollaert’s program on France 2 with interest. we owe in part to Faustine Bollaert who goes from laughter to tears according to the topics discussed with its guests. Obviously, the pretty brunette seduces with her authenticity, her empathy and her deep kindness, but not only!

It would seem that the flagship host of the small screen attracts a whole different type of admirer. It’s no secret that fame doesn’t only have advantages, far from it. While some public figures receive unfailing support and a lot of benevolent messages on social networks, others face much less positive feedback or even tackles or nastiness. Faustine Bollaert is no stranger to completely improbable messages.

Faustine Bollaert evokes the curious messages received on Instagram

This Sunday, April 24, in her Instagram stories, the 43-year-old host revealed the embarrassing messages she constantly receives on social networks. Disturbed, she did not hesitate to display that of a user asking her to see … her feet! “I would love to see your feet”could we read in particular on the screenshot taken by Faustine Bollaert. The one who is at the controls of her own program on France 2 responded as follows: “You will still have to explain to me these dozens of messages that I receive… on my feet.” Not sure this kind of request will stop anytime soon.

See also: “It starts today”: benefits in the France 2 program for money? Faustine Bollaert lifts the veil


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