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Many hospitals are trying to recruit staff Thursday, May 19. Dating jobs are organised, for example in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin).
The situation of hospitals in France worries Thursday, May 19: 112 emergency services are already closed punctually. In Bordeaux (Gironde), the adult emergencies of the Pellegrin hospital will only be accessible at night to patients who have previously called 15. The worst would be to come according to health professionals because the emergency call system is also in great suffering. In order to stop the haemorrhage, jobs dating are organized as in Mulhouse (Haut-Rhin) where 150 positions are to be filled.
Caregivers are considering leaving the private sector for the public service. They do it for different reasons. “It’s diversified so it’s very interesting, it’s motivating, there are prospects for development so don’t hesitate”, says one of them. Nurses and radio manipulators are among the most sought-after profiles. The hospital group is also recruiting in other sectors such as the kitchen and human resources. What to prepare for a summer which is likely to be very complicated according to the medical unions. A downtown hospital in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) is also recruiting, ten positions are to be filled and all profiles are studied.