hospitalized in mid-October, the Queen of England will not go to the summit for the climate


France 2

Article written by

M. Boisseau, M. Septembre, O. Briand – France 2

France Televisions

The Queen of England gives up participating in the COP26 organized in Glasgow, Scotland. 95 years old, Elizabeth II follows the advice of her doctor who asks her to rest. This decision is widely commented on across the Channel.

The Queen of England is not quite recovered for the COP26 which begins on October 31 in Glasgow, Scotland. On Tuesday, October 26, Elizabeth II held meetings with Swiss and South Korean ambassadors, by videoconference, as during confinement. After her hospitalization on October 20 for reasons still unknown, the queen, aged 95 and currently at Windsor Castle, must give up traveling to the top for the climate. “Her Majesty has decided, with regret, that she will not go to Glasgow. Her Majesty is disappointed not to attend the reception but will address attendees in a recorded video message“Buckingham said in a statement.

In the Scottish Parliament at the beginning of October, Elizabeth II had nevertheless underlined the importance of the COP26. “The eyes of the whole world will be on the UK and Scotland in particular. With the meeting of the world’s leaders to fight climate change“, she said. This Wednesday, October 27, his withdrawal made the front page of the English press. Londoners understand that his health is the priority.”It’s a reasonable decision“, comments a resident.”She will make her opinion known to those who matter, even without being present“, continues another. The royal family will still be represented with Prince William and Prince Charles.


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