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On Friday July 1, during a trip to Pontoise in the Val-d’Oise, the First minister Elizabeth Borne announced that the government had accepted all the proposals of the “flash” mission. The objective is to relieve the crisis in the emergency services, under extreme tension.
How to guarantee access to urgent care this summer? Friday July 1, during a trip to a hospital in Pontoise (Val d’Oise)the First minister Elizabeth Borne first hammered out a message: do not go directly to the emergency room. “What we want is for everyone to be able to take the reflex of number 15, and not necessarily systematically come to the emergency room“, she explained.
The objective is that calls to the 15 be sorted between vital emergencies and other cases. A care access service can then take over by offering advice from a general practitioner, a telemedicine solution, or by finding an appointment with a doctor, who will be paid 15 euros more per consultation. Other measures have been adopted for this summer: the increase in the remuneration of night guards at the hospital, the opening of guard houses on Saturday mornings, and the mobilization of retired doctors or pharmacists. A total of 41 measures will be implemented over the next three months.