Hospital and clinic want to facilitate the accommodation of relatives and friends of their patients

The Dijon-Bourgogne Hospitality Center signs a partnership with the Mutuelle Française Bourguignonne to improve support for relatives of EHPAD residents and hospitalized patients in the Benigne Joly Clinic by offering them temporary accommodation.

Parents, friends who sometimes cover long distances to be with their loved ones. This solution makes it possible to breaking the isolation of some patients hospitalized far from home. The two structures intend to publicize this possibility, which is still little known and not widely used.

From 4 overnight stays in 2000 to 17,000 in 2019

In Dijon, it has been 20 years since the MAH (hospital reception center) has been welcoming these relatives but also patients who must receive long treatments in the hospitals of the agglomeration, such as radiotherapy. The structure has grown from 4,000 overnight stays in 2000 to 17,000 in 2019.

Half of the stays are less than three nights, but they can last for several months. “We do not set a limit, we host as long as there is a need”, explains Henri Mazué, president of the MAH. Initially designed for parents of sick children, the structure “naturally opened up to other situations”. “Now this scenario represents 30% of stays”.

This is the case with Nicolas and Aude. They are the parents of a little Margot, born very prematurely. They have been housed at the MAH in Dijon since its birth a month ago. “As long as she is hospitalized in Dijon, we will stay there.” Especially since the couple lives 1h40 from Dijon. “Being here makes everyday life easier. It allows us to devote ourselves to our daughter, to us.”

Accommodation partially covered by Social Security

Gisèle is coming for the fourth time to the MAH in Dijon. It allows her to be close to her husband, hospitalized. Eyes riveted on her phone, she waits for news. “It reassures me, I’m 10 minutes away from him, there is everything you need. And he too, it does him good, he says to me ‘you save my life for being there!'”. His mutual takes part of the stay in charge.

The structure also has an agreement with Social Security, which allows decreasing rates according to family income. “At full price, the night costs 36 euros with breakfast. The cheapest is 11 euros”, explains Samir Jouini, the master of the house.

For patients who are accommodated here during a long treatment, such as radiotherapy, everything is fully covered by Social Security.

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