Hospital: a bonus to encourage temporary nurses to sign a CDD


Article written by

O.Poncelet, C.Hilary, Ile-de-France, F.Pairaud – France 3

France Televisions

In France, in the midst of a pandemic, will earning 7,000 euros more, an exceptional bonus, encourage nurses to sign a fixed-term contract for several months to work in hospitals in Île-de-France? This announcement, made by the Regional Agency of Health, must make up for the shortage of staff.

Extended hours, repeated night shifts, ever more difficult working conditions… To the point that nurses give up their CDI to work in interim. This is the case of Lena who left the intensive care unit of the Kremlin-Bicêtre hospital (Paris) after two years of grueling service and she has no regrets. “As a nurse, I was at 1,600 euros for a resuscitation service (…) now, I do temporary work and in terms of salary it has nothing to do”, she says.

Lena doubled her salary and she’s not the only one. In a specialized temp agency, nurses who resign are hired with a vengeance. To retain these white coats, the Regional Health Agency is trying to retain them with bonuses. The CDD will be paid 3,085 euros raw per month with a premium of 4,000 euros for a six-month contract and 7,000 euros for nine months.


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