“Horrible”, “grotesque”, Tiphaine, Brigitte Macron’s daughter, compares transphobic rumors to the Kate Middleton affair

The fake news appeared on Facebook in spring 2021, at the initiative of two women, and it terribly affected the first lady, Brigitte Macron. After the comment from her husband, President Emmanuel Macron who mentioned these horrible transphobic rumors, the day the right to abortion was included in the Constitution, it was her daughter, Tiphaine Auzière who returned to this terrible affair.

“Grotesque in the same way that Kate Middleton’s video is fake”

On the set of Bonjour!, the morning show on TF1, this March 26, 2024, Christophe Beaugrand asked the lawyer, who released a book, “Seats“, March 6, 2024: “When you hear people saying on the Internet, arguing this, looking for old photos, saying that your mom would be a man. What effect does it have on you, does it make you sad? Does this make you angry? Or are you saying it’s laughable?”

And the sister of Sébastien Auzière and Laurence Auzière-Jourdan responded: I find it grotesque but in the same way as the fact that we are governed by reptilians or that Kate Middleton’s video is fake, it’s the same thing.

“I have confidence in justice, and I know that the work will be done”

But while in the two other cases, the Web continues to flourish the worst conspiracy theories on these subjects (although for the Princess of Wales, we learned from her mouth that she has cancer, and that she starts chemotherapy), as far as Brigitte Macron is concerned, there is a response. Her daughter comments with pride: “The only thing I find about it is that my mother filed a complaint, my uncle too, and I have confidence in justice, and I know that the work will be done. Let’s hope that’s enough to silence…”


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