Horacio Arruda leaves office

(Quebec) The Dr Horacio Arruda is stepping down as national director of public health after 22 months of pandemic. His departure comes at a time when Quebec is facing many criticisms about its management of the fifth wave of COVID-19. He submitted a letter of resignation to Prime Minister François Legault on Monday.

Tommy chouinard

Tommy chouinard

“The recent comments made on the credibility of our opinions and our scientific rigor are undoubtedly causing a certain erosion of the support of the population. In such a context, I consider it appropriate to offer you the possibility of replacing me before the end of my mandate, at least as DNSP ”, he writes. “Do not see in this gesture an abandonment on my part, but rather the offer of an opportunity to reassess the situation, after several waves and in a constantly changing context. ”

He says he is ready to continue “to serve fellow citizens as a public health actor” but that he will be “willing to do so in a different role”.

François Legault accepted the resignation, said the Prime Minister’s office. The Dr Arruda was present at the Crisis Staff meeting on Monday but he reportedly did not speak.

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