Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont looking to the future

This text is part of the special section Philanthropy

The Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Foundation is busy preparing for its next major forward-looking campaign, which will aim to rebuild and modernize the hospital of the same name. But already, the philanthropic body is planning events in June this year to raise funds to support existing projects.

The goal of the future campaign is clear: to renovate the hospital centre. “It’s really important to maintain Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont’s position as a leader and innovator, whether in research, patient care or teaching,” explains Julie Desharnais, Executive Director of the Fondation de Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital.

“We are awaiting the final plans for the hospital’s modernization sequence. We are going to join in because we are an essential partner, she adds about the campaign which should begin in 2024-2025 and which will extend over several years. We are still talking about a big project, ”she enthuses.

Last August, the Quebec government announced that the renovation of the hospital center will begin in 2024. It also announced an investment of $2.5 billion to renovate and expand the hospital. Work will therefore begin after two years of planning by the Société québécoise des infrastructures (SQI), which is managing the project. The first phase will cost 94.2 million in public funds.

“They are in the process of finalizing the financial package for the construction and modernization of the hospital. Once all this has been defined and accepted by the Ministry of Health, we will be able to start drawing more concrete objectives for the next few years, ”plans Ms.me Desharnais.

Invest in areas of excellence

The Foundation’s investments in the future modernization of the hospital will be specified according to the areas of excellence of the philanthropic organization: nephrology, hemato-oncology and ophthalmology. “We are once again talking about research, teaching and patient care”, summarizes the Executive Director of the Foundation.

For meme Desharnais, the campaign aims to highlight the need for this new hospital. “Maisonneuve-Rosemont is doing great things. It is very innovative in its areas of excellence and at other levels for the population of eastern Montreal. But it will take him a more suitable environment to pursue this innovation, ”she pleads.

Without specifying exactly how the funds will be used, Ms.me Desharnais foresees that they will be particularly invested in cell therapy. “It started here, and we remain international leaders in this regard. We must continue to move forward with these projects, ”she says.

Big events in June

Like other philanthropic organizations, the Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital Foundation had to review the planning of its fundraising events. It is therefore a comeback for the Montréal Passion Vin event, which will take place next June, rejoices the general manager.

“Beyond major philanthropy campaigns, our daily work is to support projects that continue to develop in the hospital,” she explains. Thus, the 20and edition of the event will aim to collect donations for the expansion project of the Integrated Cancer Center. “We continue to improve the patient care pathway at Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital,” she said of the evening, which will be held for a second time in the same year next November.

“The event is going to be in person, unless there are other things that come up,” she adds with a laugh. Finally, in 2022, we will have two Montréal Passion Vin signature events.” The Foundation will also celebrate the 10and edition of the To your health champagne evening, on June 9th. The enthusiasm for these events is felt since they are already sold out.

It also organizes the Montreal Passion Gin evening, for which there are still places available for its June 8 event.

“It’s always interesting to hold these events. These are really events that are very promising for the Foundation, which make it shine, and which also engage our various partners,” underlines Ms.me Desharnais.

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