honoring indian forces


Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – L. Feuerstein, K. Prevost, L. Courté J. Weyl, V. Vermot-Gaud, B. Geron, J.-M. Perroux

France Televisions

New Delhi was the guest of honor this year at the traditional July 14 military parade. More than 6,500 participants descended the Champs-Elysées.

The parade of July 14th was opened as usual by the Patrouille de France, which celebrates its 70th anniversary this year, followed by four Rafale aircraftdhave three of theindian Air Force. India, the most populous country on Earth, is lhonor on the Champs-Elysées. The Fourth World Army celebrates 25 years of strategic partnership with France. The Indians were present to see their army. “We were happy to come”advances a young girl. “It is a great pride”underlines the father of the family.

Envelope of 417 billion euros for the army

Others honoured: 6 African military high schools that are partners of France, including Côte d’Ivoire and Senegal. Then the regiments begin to march. “It is a very beautiful moment, of reunion and commonion”underline a resident. The legionnaires are very applauded. To embody French aid to Ukraine, Caesar guns parade in turn. This year, the government recalled that it had given an envelope of 417 billion euros to the army sector until 2030, an unprecedented increase.

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