Homophobic remarks by Caroline Cayeux: the minister apologizes


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The Minister of Territorial Communities, Caroline Cayeux, apologized on Friday July 15 following her comments on same-sex marriage. In 2013, she had indeed described this marriage as a “design that goes against nature”. Words that they still maintained at the beginning of the week.

Caroline Cayeux, minister for only ten days, is already in turmoil. The new Minister of Local Authorities sees her past catching up with her. In question : her remarks in 2013 against same-sex marriage, which she considered at the time “against nature”. Asked about her statements on Tuesday July 12, on the Public Senate channel, she replied: “I obviously stand by my words, then I will tell you all the same that I have a lot of friends among all these people.

A clumsy defense that triggered the misunderstanding of several ministers, and the anger of the LGBT community. Six associations even filed a complaint against the minister for public insult. In an interview given to the press and published on the morning of Friday April 15, as well as in a letter sent the day before to anti-homophobia associations, Caroline Cayeux apologized for her remarks. 80 personalities, including a dozen elected members of the majority, are preparing a forum to be published this weekend to once again denounce comments deemed homophobic.

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