Homicide at Cinema L’Amour: acquitted thanks to self-defense

A Montrealer accused of homicide at Cinéma L’Amour for protecting a woman frolic with clients has finally been acquitted, thanks to self-defense.

• Read also: Accused of homicide: self-defense at Cinema L’Amour?

“In the end, it is a sexual adventure that turned into a tragedy, where a precious life was lost due to a single punch”, summarized the judge Flavia Longo by acquitting Victorio Reno Pereira, this Wednesday at the palace of justice of Montreal.

Pereira, 45, was accused of the manslaughter of Juan Hernandez Cortez, which occurred in the mythical Montreal porn cinema in the summer of 2018.

That evening, Pereira had shown up there with a woman in order to have sex in public. However, Mr. Cortez, intoxicated, would have tried to seize the woman and thus caused a scuffle.

“While most of the men around the couple were respectful, Mr. Cortez appeared to be acting like an alpha male with his genitals on display,” the judgment read.


Pereira received a blow and subsequently returned the victim who then fell to the ground.

His fall was fatal. Plunged into a coma, Mr. Cortez died a few days later.

Pereira, however, managed to convince the judge to have acted in self-defense. Because if he hit the victim, it was only to protect himself and the woman who was with him.

“Mr. Cortez was the instigator of the whole altercation,” noted the judge. No weapons were used, the accused and the woman were in a position of vulnerability. “

Pereira, who was defended by Mes Victoria Nix and Jeffrey Boro, was able to leave the courthouse as a free man.

If the Crown wishes to appeal the case, it has 30 days to do so.

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