home stretch for Republicans nomination favorites



Article written by

J. Nény, N. Salem, O. Darmostoupe, C. Combaluzier, C. Beauvalet – France 3

France Televisions

Party favorites The Republicans, Valérie Pécresse, Michel Barnier and Xavier Bertrand have only one month to convince voters to become the party’s representative in the 2022 presidential election.

Xavier Bertrand, Michel Barnier, Valérie Pécresse. These are the names of the three favorites for the nomination of the Republicans party for the presidential election of 2022. As Philippe Juvin and Eric Ciotti, they collected the more than 250 sponsorships necessary to participate in the internal ballot organized during the congress on December 4. Each of them has only one month left to try to convince and win votes in order to represent the right-wing party.

>> Presidential 2022: who are the five candidates for the internal Republican ballot to nominate their candidate?

To succeed, Xavier Bertrand, Michel Barnier, Valérie Pécresse use almost the same methods, such as appearing as a serious rival to the outgoing president, Emmanuel Macron. They also hammer home the party’s great strengths. However, each candidate has a subject that is particularly close to his heart. For Xavier Bertrand, it is the fact of not having “never betrayed by joining the shores of Macronie“As he said during a speech. Michel Barnier, for his part, relies on his international stature. A strong point on the part of the former European Commissioner. And finally, Valérie Pécresse is counting on her voluntarism.

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