Home of the “Ocean Viking”, inflation, return of Adrien Quatennens to the National Assembly, Cyril Hanouna… What to remember from the interview with Fabien Roussel

Fabien Roussel, National Secretary of the PCF and Member of Parliament for the North was the guest of the “8h30 franceinfo” of Monday November 14, 2022. Migrants, wages, inflation, security, Adrien Quatennens, Cyril Hanouna… He answered questions from Marc Fauvelle and Salhia Brakhlia.

Ocean Viking: “Fortunately France made this gesture”

Fortunately, France made this gesture. We are talking about 234 human lives. What is shameful in welcoming 234 human lives?“, reacts Fabien Roussel when France has decided to welcome the ship ocean viking of the NGO SOS Méditerranée. The communist deputy denounces Italy’s refusal to welcome migrants on its territory. “It’s a shame they didn’t“, he says. Fabien Roussel asks for the creation “of a status for all“for migrants fleeing war.”There can be no ethnic difference between Ukrainians fleeing war and Yemenis fleeing war too“, he says.

Crossing the Channel by migrants: “A showdown with the British authorities”

While a thousand migrants crossed the Channel this weekend and hundreds more were rescued at sea, Fabien Roussel calls for “a standoff with the British authorities”. According to him, “There is a rule to enforce, it is that of family reunification” in Great Britain, he insists.

Expensive life: it must pass “by the street”

Fabien Roussel said to himself “worried” for the French people “who can no longer make ends meet“.”If the government does not see that the casserole is boiling. If the government does not hear that there is a need to take strong measures aimed at tackling speculation, yes, it will have to push, push all the way. And if tomorrow we have to reoccupy the roundabouts to say stop, basta! We must act. Well it has to be done“, he asserts.

Faced with the repeated 49.3 used by the government, the communist deputy appealed “to worker solidarity” and “to the solidarity of men and womens”. According to him, “if it does not manage to pass by the National Assembly“it must pass”by the street“. Moreover, he denounces the “gang of four” (RN, presidential majority, Horizons, Les Républicains): “They agree not to increase wages, not to restore the ISF, not to index wages to inflation, not to boost the SMIC“, he regrets.

Programming law of the Ministry of the Interior: “There are important advances”

On the one hand, there are significant advances since there will be more trained police officers and gendarmes present on the ground and it is important“, he greets. The programming law provides for 15 billion more and 8,500 additional police and gendarme positions over the five-year term. Fabien Roussel wants “give many more means of investigation to be able to fight against tax evasion and drug and arms trafficking.”

He once again denounces the reform of the Judicial Police: “We ask to respect the separation between the national police and the judicial police“, he said. “We ask to review the policing policy which has never been reviewed by this government and which has been applied for 5 years.

The return of Adrien Quatennens to the National Assembly: “It’s a very delicate situation”

It’s a very delicate situation.“, believes Fabien Roussel while Adrien Quatennens, deputy of La France insoumise, prepares his return to the Assembly two months after his departure after having recognized domestic violence. According to the communist deputy, “it is up to oneself to step back. It’s a matter of conscience that we must ask ourselves“, he said. “If such a case were to arise, we would not offer a member who confessed to slapping to come back and pretend that it was forgotten“, he added.

Clash between Hanouna and Boyard: “I was deeply shocked”

Fabien Roussel said to himself “deeply shocked by the comments made by the host“who insulted on the plateau of Touche not at my post the deputy LFI Louis Boyard.”We don’t talk like that to anyone“, he said. “Plus from a host on prime time where everyone is watching. Should this show be banned for those under 18?“, he asks himself. He finds “rather healthy that the Arcom is seized“.

Find the entire 8.30 franceinfo of Monday, November 14:

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