home food deliveries now banned in some Shanghai residences

Lhe city of Shanghai is still confined, but the situation is getting better. The number of Covid-19 cases is down significantly, now around 3,000 new cases per day. This does not prevent the authorities from tightening health restrictions.

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One measure, in particular, is of great concern to the population: the prohibition, in certain residences, of home deliveries. Perceived as saviors by the population, Shanghai delivery men have continued to criss-cross the city since the start of confinement. Thanks to them, the inhabitants have somehow been able to fill their fridges. But the authorities, engaged in a relentless fight against Covid-19, are now attacking any possible source of contamination. Delivery people who go from residence to residence are perceived as vectors of the virus. In some neighborhoods the decision was therefore taken to ban their activity.

According to our information, some neighborhood committees are applying the decision very strictly, not authorizing any food delivery, while others are more conciliatory. These restrictions on deliveries are effective at least until May 15, depending on the district.

Deliveries prohibited in certain districts of Shanghai: correspondence from Sébastien Berriot


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