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Since Monday 25 April, home healthcare professionals have received a discount of 15 euro cents per liter of fuel. This is in addition to the government aid of 18 cents.
Since Monday April 25, health professionals who intervene at home have been granted a discount of 15 euro cents per liter of fuel. “It’s been about 400 euros of fuel since the beginning of the year per month”, testifies Benjamin Varlet, liberal nurse in the Oise, who travels more than 40,000 km per year. For him, this discount is important since it allows him to save up to 45 euros per tank. This additional aid is allocated to 215,000 home caregivers, and is in addition to the government rebate of 18 euro cents per liter of fuel.
These two aids will stop on July 31, leaving professionals in doubt for the future. “Our primary concern is access to care, today we do not want the distance that separates a patient from a nursing practice to be an obstacle to the fact that he can be treated”details Daniel Guillerm, president of the National Federation of Nurses (FNI).