The movement of American actors and screenwriters, unheard of for more than sixty years, has received support from organizations of French directors.
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“The strike worries us a lot, of course“, declared, Thursday, July 20, Richard Patry, president of the National Federation of French Cinemas, on BFM Business. He explains the extent of the movement by the fact that it is a strike “oriented against platforms” such as Netflix, Amazon Prime Video or Apple TV, which “may last quite a long time“.
This strike, which began on July 14 in Hollywood, paralyzes the studios in the United States. Whether “it only concerns American films for the moment, many films have already started to be delayed and that worries us a lot for the year 2024“, he adds, believing that this social movement in the cinema could also reach France. “There is always a risk, especially at the level of the authors (…), but for the moment there is no action announced in France“, he specifies.
Another tone from the side of the filmmakers, including two organizations, the Society of Film Directors and Directors (SRF) and the civil society of Authors and Producers (ARP) have expressed their “full solidarity“with the strikers, whose fight”crosses borders“. The success of the platforms should not drive “to a weakening of creators” And “on the other hand, artificial intelligence must be supervised“, Who “can only present opportunities for our sector if we preserve the central place of authors and artists“, they write in a joint press release.
Richard Patry believes in being “very, very vigilant” regarding artificial intelligence (AI), accused by the world of culture of plundering creative content. He says “not believe today that we can make a great scenario by AI” and that he “it will always take the talent of the screenwriter to make great films“. On the attendance side, the 100 million spectators mark was already crossed in July and 200 million are in the sights, according to Richard Patry. The release of blockbusters, such as the new Impossible mission, Oppenheimer And Barbiecould boost cinema attendance.