Hollywood actors go on strike


Video length: 1 min.

France 3

Article written by

France 3 – V. Gaget, S. Gorny E. Cornet, T. Dorseuil

France Televisions

Hollywood is on strike. After the scriptwriters stopped for two months, the actors join them in their conflict. They are asking for an increase in their salary, and are waiting for a guarantee on the use of artificial intelligence to generate scenarios.

Will the dream factory in Hollywood (United States) soon be shut down? The actors joined the strike movement, Thursday, July 13, started by the screenwriters. It is unheard of for 60 years, while the actors are demanding a fairer distribution of profits. “When we put profits before people, it’s not fair”, one of them complains. The strikers are demanding an increase in wages, which have been heavily impacted by inflation. With the rise of platforms, filming times have been reduced, and times are increasingly tough for young actors.

The strike supported by showbiz stars

Ihe strike is supported by stars like Meryl Streep and Matt Damon. “You have to earn $26,000 a year to get Social Security. Many actors cannot claim it because the platforms do not pay enough”, says the actor. Thursday July 13, the actors of the film opponheimer boycotted the screening in London (UK) in support of the movement.

Artificial intelligence is also another concern. Actors, like authors, are asking for protection against these digital tools that threaten to replace them in the long term.

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