Holidays: La Fraiseraie, a real ice cream institution in Pornic



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Every summer, holidaymakers enjoy strawberry ice cream in the port of Pornic. Behind these tastings, La Fraiseraie, a company now with fourteen shops, intends to remain artisanal.

On the Ria de Pornic (Loire Atlantique), at the foot of the castle, the Fraiseraie is a tourist attraction in itself. The queue is huge and customers are happy to cool off with the famous strawberry ice cream that has made the reputation of the family business. “It’s real fruit, not synthetic”, underlines a mother who does not miss the appointment every summer. Same story a few meters further. “A killer. I only like this one. Elsewhere, I don’t eat ice cream.”

Behind this success, five hectares of greenhouses that Alain Têtedoie, CEO since he bought La Fraiseraie six years ago, does not fail to visit to “feel the product in the literal and figurative sense of the word”. A place that has seen entire generations of seasonal workers from Pornic pass by. “I prefer that to finding myself in a fast food restaurant and from time to time, we taste a little”, admits the current summer employee. With now fourteen shops to its credit in Loire-Atlantique and Vendée, La Fraiseraie is doing wonderfully. The magic recipe for success? Strawberries and sugar, nothing else.

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