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The devices of “learning colos” and “study vacations” are developing more and more. The goal is to exercise your brain while having fun to prepare for the start of the school year. Initiatives that sometimes carry a social dimension towards children who do not go on vacation.
Under their pirate hat, brains that work a few days before the start of the school year. The leaders of a summer camp in Auron (Alpes-Maritimes) make sure that the children learn while having fun. Games combining mental calculations, puzzles and physical expenditure are on the program. Activities that are developing throughout France, in multiple formats. French, mathematics, physics-chemistry, history, there is something for all subjects and for all ages.
“We are not here to replace the role of the teacher or the school mistress”, underlines Pol Blin, animator who relies on physical and manual activities which are sometimes not sufficiently implemented at school. Initiatives that also appeal to town halls. The city of Colmar (Haut-Rhin) offers “studio holidays” in priority neighborhoods with the main objective of mastering French. “We notice that some children in kindergarten are not able to construct a sentence in French”, highlights Véronique Broggi, coordinator of the Colmar educational success program. A way also for children who are not going on vacation to get out of their homes and meet new friends.