The fireplace or the computer screen for Santa Claus? The idea of a virtual holiday gathering with lunch boxes again this year demoralizes many. However, not all employers are inclined to book a room for in-person festivities. And those who dare ask themselves many questions.
“It’s a headache for companies this year,” says Mirella Di Blasio, president of Lulu event. It’s so nebulous right now for employers in terms of health rules. ”
Last August, Press wrote that companies had reserved their date and venue for the holiday season, but were on the alert, in case COVID-19 cases increased significantly and government restrictions modulated.
With a few days of December, directions are still in the dark. “Indeed, the parties Holiday season becomes a real headache for the organizing committees, says Julie Lajoie, General Manager of Altrum Reconnaissance. There is the fear of changes in Public Health directives, but we also ask ourselves the question: how can I be inclusive if all of my employees do not have the vaccination passport? ”
Thus, 50% of Lulu events customers opted for a virtual event again this year, but interactive. “Thanks to an experiential platform, people can communicate with each other and do activities,” says Mirella Di Blasio.

Mirella Di Blasio, President of Lulu Events
At SatelliteWP, we will surely adopt the catering-lunch box formula again in the 2020 office. “One person among the seven employees is not vaccinated for reasons that I consider legitimate,” explains Maxime Jobin, co-founder of the company of maintenance of WordPress websites. It would be boring to say to him: “Live with the consequences, if we decide to leave the office.” I try to do my best to ensure that my whole group is present. ”
“We can not penalize those who are not doubly vaccinated, also believes Mirella Di Blasio. Especially since we are in an era where we advocate diversity and inclusion. It’s complicated, but there is a way to organize safer events. ”
According to Altrum Reconnaissance and the Order of Certified Human Resources Advisors, in 2021, companies are considering an event in person in small groups, in teams, gifts delivered to employees, a virtual show (humor, music) or even activities. like bowling pins. Choices are also made by gauging people’s tolerance for seeing each other up close.
The choice of bar
At Lulu Events, we note that several organizations have chosen to celebrate in a bar or restaurant with a DJ. “As soon as you have a bar license, the rules are relaxed,” says Mirella Di Blasio. Banquet rooms are subject to more severe rules. We cannot dance, we are seated like at a convention. You have to think of places you wouldn’t usually think of going. ”
The 30 Fertilys employees have opted for such a formula this year. And the restaurant reservation was made just a few days ago. “It’s near our clinic and we’re going to dance,” says Sébastien Témoin, vice-president of strategy and business development at Fertilys. Last year, we gave gifts to employees. As we are in the medical environment, we had to make sure that no employee entered the clinic. This year, they have asked to spend time together around a table. And it was doable as they are all vaccinated and they already meet at work every day. ”
Even though it is difficult to know exactly what is allowed and what is not, it was unthinkable for Fertilys not to bring the employees together. “They are tired because they work very hard,” notes Sébastien Témoin. You need a valve. The organization needs to support them, thank them, and organize something they love. If we had been asked to go karting, this is what we would have organized. It’s important to spend time together… within the framework allowed by the government. a party Christmas is a little parenthesis in our daily life. ”
However, we are sure of one thing at satelliteWP: it must be simple. “I don’t know what’s coming, admits Maxime Jobin. We have to think about what is least likely to fall flat and which appeals to everyone, because everything can be called into question at any time. You will have to be on the lookout for government rules until the last minute. At least we have a large office where we can meet safely. ”
Call to all
What do you plan to do this year as a holiday get-together with members of your work teams? Virtual gathering? In person ? Do you have any concerns about these gatherings? Give us your opinion and let us know your questions by naming yourself. We could publish some of your emails.
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