Video length: 2 min.
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HIV-positive people were excluded from the armed forces by law, which will soon be amended by decree. Doctors believe that nothing prevents them from committing themselves.
This is the end of discrimination. HIV-positive people will finally be able to join all the armed forces, including the military firefighters and the gendarmerie. While a law had prevented them from doing so since the 1980s, a decree will modify it. Given the progress of treatments, doctors believe that nothing prevents them from getting involved.
“Who says undetectable viral load says zero transmissibility”
“Why is an HIV-positive person not a danger? Because, as we have known since the mid-1990s, […] someone who takes their treatment correctly has an undetectable viral load. And who says undetectable viral load says zero transmissibility”sums up Professor Gilles Pialloux, head of the infectious and tropical diseases department at Tenon hospital. Until now, to enlist in the armed forces, candidates were evaluated with the SIGYCOP system, which involved the evaluation of the general state of health. To be recruited, a note one to two was required, and HIV-positive people were automatically classified three o’su more, and therefore excluded in fact.