hit by a train, a 78-year-old lady comes out of it miraculously with a broken wrist

A train hit a 78-year-old lady this Friday evening in Saint-Étienne. The victim comes out miraculously, with a simple fracture. Traffic was interrupted for an hour and a half.

It is 9 p.m., Friday June 3, when a train passes under the Monthieu tunnel in Saint-Étienne, in the direction of Lyon. The driver feels like a shock against his team, and immediately thinks of a suicide on the track. He brakes, and stops his train as quickly as possible, 400 meters further.

The railwayman goes up the rails to the place of the shock but finds nothing. He calls the police, the fire brigade, and everyone starts looking for a body. At first the searches are in vain, and then the police decide to widen their field of research.

The disoriented victim, 200 meters away

They end up finding a woman 200 meters further, at the level of Terrenoire. She wanders upright on the road, completely disoriented. She is 78 years old, and has a broken wrist. Unable to explain what she is doing there, the police still end up realizing that it is indeed her that the train has hit. Miraculously, she was hospitalized.

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