Video length: 2 min.
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After 15 long years of negotiations at the UN, the member countries finally agreed, on Saturday March 4, to protect the high seas, a source of multiple challenges for the future of biodiversity.
The high seas cover more than half of the planet. An area without any rules where until then, everything was allowed. “The high seas so far are the far west, it’s an area of lawlessness where total impunity reigns”, says Lamya Essemlali, president of the Sea Shepherd France association. Uncontrolled fishing, maritime transport, oil and gas drilling, the high seas are the object of all desires.
The creation of marine reserves
To protect her, a historic agreement has been reached at the United Nations headquarters in New York (United States), Saturday, March 4. Moment of emotion after 15 years of negotiations. A treaty provides for the creation of marine reserves. “That means fully protected areas, where no human activity is allowed (…) and highly protected reserves, with human activities that can take place, but which will be supervised and regulated”, explains Hélène Bourges, head of Oceans campaigns at Greenpeace France. Thanks to this agreement, 30 % oceans will be protected.