historian Serge Klarsfeld will vote for the National Rally in the event of a duel against La France insoumise

The historic defender of the cause of Jewish deportees from France believes that the RN has “changed” and sees the LFI as a “resolutely anti-Jewish” party. A speech appreciated differently by the political class.



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Historian Serge Klarsfeld, in Berlin, May 27, 2024. (LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP)

He judges that the National Rally has “moults” And “supports the Jews”. Historian and lawyer Serge Klarsfeld announced on Saturday June 15, on the LCI channel, that in the event of a duel between the RN and La France insoumise during the legislative elections, he would vote for the far-right party.

The historic defender of the cause of Jewish deportees from France affirmed that he would vote without “hesitation” for the RN because “the axis of my life is the defense of Jewish memory, the defense of persecuted Jews, the defense of Israel and that I am confronted with an extreme left which is under the influence of La France insoumise with anti-Semitic overtones and violent anti-Zionism”said Serge Klarsfeld.

The historian therefore sees in La France insoumise a party “resolutely anti-Jewish”while far-right parties in Western and Central Europe “denied anti-Semitism and supported Jews”, asserts Serge Klarsfeld – despite the use by certain figures of European far-right parties, such as Björn Höcke of the German AfD party, of Nazi slogans or references. The historian clarified that in his constituency, he intended to “vote as I have always done for a center party”.

His comments sparked contrasting reactions in the political class on Sunday. “The tribute to the French people of this great conscience and guardian of the memory of the Shoah that is Serge Klarsfeld reminds us that, even if the path of our electoral choices may diverge, there is a moment when we must come together to refuse this terrible danger carried today by a left, which abandons its soul and its dignity, compromises itself with extremism”declared Marine Le Pen on X.

For Eric Ciotti, president of the Les Républicains party in favor of an alliance with the RN, “Serge Klarsfeld has the right enemy!” “The real danger for France is the alliance of the extreme lefts. The only solution to escape it is the alliance of the right”he estimated on the social network

Conversely, Manuel Bompard, coordinator of La France insoumise, said “shocked” on BFMTV and judges that Serge Klarsfeld “is mistaken”. “It says something about the way we were vilified during the European election campaign”judged the outgoing deputy for Bouches-du-Rhône, who ensures that “our fight against anti-Semitism, against racism, against Islamophobia is at the heart of our commitments”.

Laurent Joly, historian specializing in the Shoah and anti-Semitism during the Vichy regime, also described Serge Klarsfeld’s comments on Facebook as “terribly sad” and this position of “big mistake”. “Believing that the far right protects Jews is an illusion”estimates the historian, who recalls that the extreme right “has always opposed anti-racist laws with all her strength.”

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