historian Pap Ndiaye is appointed Minister of National Education and Youth

Pap Ndiaye is the new Minister of National Education and Youth He replaces Jean-Michel Blanquer.

A surprise appointment

This historian, born in the Hauts-de-Seine 56 years oldis the son of a Senegalese father and a French mother. He is the brother of novelist Marie Ndiaye who won the Prix Fémina in 2001 and the Prix Goncourt in 2009 for “Three Powerful Women“.

Searcher, specialist in the social history of the United States and minoritiesPap Ndiaye taught in Paris at Sciences Po before becoming, in 2021, Director General of the Palais de la Porte Dorée and to direct the Museum of the History of Immigration.

An academic mobilized against racism

He is very made aware of the issue of diversity and discrimination. He wrote works on the subject and he created associations whose the notch (Representative council of black associations in France). In 2008, he received the Jean-Michel Gaillard prize for his book “The Black Condition: Essay on a French Minority“.

No political mandate

In 2012, Pap Ndiaye had publicly taken a stand for the socialist François Holland. He had even called to vote for this candidate.

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