his youngest daughter publishes a photo in her toilet, the Web falls on her!

Like every summer, Laeticia Hallyday and her daughters Jade and Joy spend the month of July in France and the month of August in Saint-Barthélemy. As soon as they arrive on the island, a party is very often organized to celebrate the birthdays of the two teenagers… who have grown up well. If Jade is going to blow out her 19 candles, Joy will be 15 on July 27th.

Become very pretty young women, Jade and Joy love, like all other young girls their age, to share photos of their daily lives on social networks. What generate many criticisms from fans of Johnny Hallyday and Internet users more generally. Thus, last January, this phenomenon was discussed on the set of the program “Touche pas à mon poste” and columnist Kelly Vedovelli gave a clear opinion on Jade: “For me, it’s super vulgar, with her tongue, her mouth, her tits… Whether it’s her or another teenager, you can’t do that! Because it’s the new generation, we have the right to be tepus (bitch in verlan, editor’s note)”.

A statement that did not at all please Laeticia Hallyday who then decided to file a complaint. “Society is judgmental. There is a lot of hatred that has taken hold after the Covid. We have to protect our children from that. And unfortunately, they are also victims of social networks, because it is their generation. It’s no longer the same generation as ours, there are codes that we don’t always understand. But what Joy experienced, at 14, was so violent! my duty as a mom to protect my child, to protect her from all this injustice, it’s intolerable” she said the ultra-protective mom.

Joy Hallyday publishes a new photo in the toilets
Very active on Instagram, Joy Hallyday has just published a series of photos taken during her last stay in Italy. On the first shot, the teenager poses with his mouth in the heart, in the bathroom of what seems to be a hotel room.

Once again, Internet users criticized this publication and deplored its attitude and the setting of the photo: “The emptiness than emptiness”, “Oh the decor, there’s better, the toilets aren’t terrible…”, “Poor little rich girl!”, “Vulgar as usual”, “The class with the toilets open behind… “ can we read. Fortunately, Joy was able to count on the infallible support of her fans who also flooded the publication with compliments on her appearance.

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