his young son caught by the taxman!

Influencers have not had good press since Booba made it his mission to destroy them. Illan Castronovo, Thibault Garcia, Maeva Ghennam. The stars of the networks have something to worry about. Like his colleagues, Simon Castaldi is also going through a bad patch. This Wednesday, May 31, 2023, Benjamin Castaldi’s son also took to his Instagram account to share a disturbing message. In effect, “CCRF agents from the Val-de-Marne DDPP issued an administrative injunction” against him, he said. The reason ? “It does not indicate: neither the commercial intention of its publications, however in direct relation with the promotion of goods or services; nor the brands for which it carries out these communications. These practices, which are similar to hidden advertising, are misleading commercial practices within the meaning of the consumer code.

The reality TV candidate also gives more elements in his story. “An investigation was carried out by the agents of Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Fraud (CCRF) of the Departmental Directorate for the Protection of Populations (DDPP) of Val-de-Marne, concerning the practices of Mr. Simon Castaldi “, can we read. The investigation would have highlighted that the ex of Adixia “was remunerated by commercial partners to promote their products or services in his communications. However, the communications in question did not mention their commercial intention. However, any communication relating to a paid commercial partnership must make it possible to identify his commercial intention and the person on whose behalf it is carried out.”

See also:

Thibault Garcia facing the DGCCRF

Besides Simon Castaldi, Illan Castronovo also shared the same message. The husband of Jessica Thivenin, for his part, also faces the DGCCRF following numerous reports. “They want to shoot us down. You have to know that we don’t want us to work anymore. We have to be on the street or nothing”, he was recently indignant on social networks. And the Marseillais star continued: “People have reported us for Jylor. As soon as we do something, people want to send us lots of people to the coasts to check. There it was definitely reported and suddenly they come to check. In itself, we don’t have no problem, let them come check it out, but it shocks me that people are so into their shitty lives that they take the time to report. […] All products are well made in France.” Nothing is going right for influencers.


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