his very first words since the death of Elizabeth II

In 17 years of marriage to Prince Charles, Camilla Parker Bowles has gone from the title of UK’s most hated woman“to queen consort, this September 8. At the age of 75, the one who will never have worn the title of Princess of Wales, has just become the queen of Charles III.

We are doing our best

She was with him at the bedside of Elizabeth II, on September 8, at Balmoral, even before the rest of the monarch’s children arrived at the castle. She was also at her husband’s side when he visited Buckingham Palace on September 9, then St James’s Palace on September 10 and then Westminster Hall on September 12, where both Houses of Parliament met. reunited. On the same day, she flew to Scotland and the Palace of Holyroodhouse, Edinburgh, official residence. And finally, to end this journey, she went on September 13 to Hillsborough Castle (in Belfast, Northern Ireland), where her husband had a nervous breakdown because of a leaky pen, before finding St Anne’s Cathedral, in the same capital.

>> See also: Death of Queen Elizabeth II: Vladimir Putin breaks the silence, the astonishing words of the Russian president!

And while she remains focused on her mission, during a visit to Belfast, Ireland, Camilla Parker-Bowles got a glimpse of her popularity with the general public. As he passed by, a woman said to him: “You are doing an extraordinary job”, as heard in a video shared on social media. And Camilla to answer him, humbly:We are doing our best“.

She conquered public opinion

And it’s a real tour de force for the one who was the mistress of Prince Charles for a long time, when he was married to Lady Diana. First and only love of the prince, she ends up marrying him, with the agreement of the queen in 2005, eight years after the tragic disappearance of the princess of Wales, in a car accident in Paris. Since then, very invested in her humanitarian commitments, the Duchess of Cornwall has conquered public opinion slowly, by dint of work with associations, and commitments with the Queen.

According to DailyMail, as her husband ascends to the supreme office, she would have planned to support him by taking inspiration from a famous model, Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, who died in 2021, a year before his wife.


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