his veiled lookalike steals the show on TikTok!

Like other politicians, Marine Le Pen is very active on social networks. But for several months, his ” doppleganger “ is a real hit on TikTok. This last named Céline is passionate about cooking. Driven by her children, as our colleagues from Release, the main interested party ended up launching on the famous platform. The TikTokeuse began to unveil her videos during the first confinement in March 2020.

Very quickly, success pointed the tip of his nose. “The number of spectators takes off “, specifies the newspaper as underlines it Current wife.“When Céline begins to appear in front of the camera, detailing the recipe herself”. To date, this mother lives in the Yvelines. On a daily basis, she transmits her good humor and her culinary knowledge to her many followers.

“Jean-Marie what happened?!”

If her content interests you, Céline is very easy to find on TikTok. It is under the nickname @CelineKitt6 that she shines brilliantly. And that’s not all ! Many of her admirers were tickled by her resemblance to the president of the National Rally: “It’s still amazing… She looks so much like Marine Le Pen”, “You have to tag Marine, we found her twin sister. Jean-Marie what happened? ! », « This is the official lookalike of Marine. It is done”.

As for Céline, she doesn’t seem really interested in politics… Quite the contrary. But her veil leaves no one indifferent on the Web. On this subject, the young woman prefers to ignore certain remarks. Teases, Céline has also explained that if she one day had the honor of meeting Marine Le Pen “She would offer him some French pastry, but above all not a couscous”. Other exceptional dishes including halawet el-jibn (oriental dessert made with cheese editor’s note) will be offered! The message got through…


@celinekitt6 Reply to @mahrez2.1 ♬ Emotional Piano for the Soul (Inspirational Background Music) – Fearless Motivation Instrumentals

At the end the kefta is so tasty mmmmmmh

♬ Back In Black – AC/DC

to see also: Here are the municipalities that voted 100% for Emmanuel Macron or for Marine Le Pen!

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