his vandalized car with his 6-month-old baby inside, the terrible misadventure of the singer in the middle of Paris

Since last October, Vianney has been the proud father of a little boy, born of his marriage to musician Catherine Robert. A continuity in the life of the 31-year-old singer who already took on the role of father-in-law wonderfully, his companion being the mother of a little girl born from a previous relationship.

On a concert tour throughout France for a few weeks, the interpreter of the tube “I’m going” spoke on Instagram this Monday March 21, 2022 to share a “little story to start the week off right”. “As it’s a rest day, we went out with the family. I was in the car and I parked in Paris, there were friends 10 meters away. I parked the car that I left open. To tell you the truth, there is my little baby who is sleeping, so I let him sleep. I’ll talk for a few minutes and I’ll come back to the car” he said.

Vianney: his vandalized car with the baby inside
The singer then explains that he noticed a man glued to his vehicle: “He was a little strange, it’s true. Not very clean on him […]. I ask him if everything is fine. He doesn’t answer me too much. I tell myself that he must be embarrassed or shy, I don’t know. I open the car doors and he says, ‘Brother, I’m sorry. I stole everything from your car. Here, I give you everything. But it was open, I beg your pardon'”.

Something to surprise but soften the father who preferred to see the positive in the face of the reversal of the situation: “It just means something: there is still light in everyone, friends. There is good in everyone. It’s a crazy thing. And I’m sure he didn’t recognize me! I saw it in his eyes: he didn’t know I was a singer. He didn’t see anything at all. that, he just saw a human and he started to regret his gesture.

Finally, Vianney wanted to reassure his subscribers about his six-month-old son who was sleeping in the car at the time of the theft. “And of course the baby is fine! I kept an eye on his door, but obviously this gentleman entered from the other side of the vehicle, discreetly,” he confessed.


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