his touching secrets about this “only man he is in love with”

As parents, our dearest wish is that our children can enjoy the best possible life. We want to help them as much as possible so that they can achieve their dreams and be proud of themselves. Michael Leeb seems to have won everything if we look at this aspect of life. The 76-year-old actor, in a relationship with journalist Béatrice Malicet, has been on cloud nine for many years. The comedian, soon to be back on stage, has been married to his beloved since 2000, and he is the father of three children: Fanny, Elsa and Tom, born respectively in 1986, 1988 and 1990.

Michael Leebwho was present alongside Charles Aznavour during his last moments before his death on October 1, 2018, recently opened up about his children in an interview with Nice morning Saturday, July 22, 2023. The man who had a very bad experience of his parents’ divorce particularly praised the talents of his son Tom, of whom he is very proud.

See also: Tom Leeb: Clashed on all sides by Anne-Elizabeth Lemoine in C à Vous!

Tom, a model for his father Michel Leeb

Indeed, Tom, aged 33, is a multi-talented artist. Musician, humorist and actor, he has acted in films such as Spoiled rotten And That’s lifeas well as in the mini-series Unfaithful alongside Claire Keim. Tom’s ability to excel in so many areas impresses his father.

“My son, Tom, is an exceptional artist. And I’m not just saying that because he’s my son…though! [Il rit] He’s the only man I’m in love with!”declared Michael Leeb with humor but also a lot of frankness. However, he warns his son not to disperse himself in his multiple activities: “Be careful, doing a lot of things is very suspicious! Charles Aznavour said to me: ‘In France, as soon as you do something, you are put in a closet and you must not leave it.’ He encouraged me to follow my desires, my desires, my curiosity.”

Michael Leebfollowed this example with his own children. “A child, when he needs to evolve in one direction or another, we can’t stop him. Especially when it’s passionate”notes the actor who has always “made sure to accompany them in this direction.”


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