his three children very affected by the recent accusations

The tweet of discord… October 15, 2023, Karim Benzema

took to his X account, formerly Twitter, to pay tribute to the victims of Gaza following the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “All our prayers for the inhabitants of Gaza, victims once again of these unjust bombings which spare neither women nor children”he wrote before many political figures attacked him.

Indeed, Gérald Darmanin criticizes Karim Benzema for not having had “thoughts” for Dominique Bernard, the Arras high school teacher murdered on October 13. The Minister of the Interior even accused the former French team striker of being linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. In fact, the one who plays today in Saudi Arabia threatened Gérald Darmanin to file a complaint against him following his comments. “We will pursue those who made the most significant comments”affirmed Me Hugues Vigier, lawyer for Karim Benzema this Friday on France Info.

Also see: Karim Benzema: this promise that millions of people are impatiently awaiting!

Karim Benzema bruised, his children affected by the situation

The lawyer subsequently returned to the intervention of the Minister of the Interior the day before on BFMTV facing Yves Calvi. During his visit, Gérald Darmanin indicated that he could reconsider his comments provided that Karim Benzema agrees to pay tribute to Dominque Bernard. “This is odious blackmail”lamented the lawyer before continuing: “It is not up to Karim Benzema to show good faith: the Minister of the Interior has made a serious accusation, either it is fair, he says it, demonstrates it and he maintains his accusation, or it is false and political courage also means recognizing it”.

In addition to his rant, Me Hugues Vigier deplores the fact that this situation has a terrible impact on his client’s children. “It’s my kids who are suffering because their father is being accused of being a terrorist”would have formulated Karim Benzema to his lawyer, Me Hugues Vigier, and which he reported this Friday on France Info.


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